What is Slack?
Slack founded by Stewart Butterfield is a cloud-based set of team collaboration tools and services. Slack provides features like direct-messaging, voice call, public and private channels, notifications and alerts, document sharing, search and more. Slack offers integration with many third-party applications and services, including Google Drive and Dropbox.
Incoming Webhooks
Slack supports both incoming and outgoing Webhooks. Incoming Webhooks is way to post messages from external sources into Slack Channel, using HTTP requests with a JSON payload that includes the text message and some other advanced options like message attachments.
Steps to Integrate Webhooks
Create App:- It provides custom functionality for your team and allows to integrate third party app.
Create Incoming Webhooks:- After Creating App you will be redirected to page from where you can create webhooks by turning it on.
Now, on the same page below click Add New Webhook to Team.
After that you will have dropbox which will allow you select your channel name in which your third party app will be integrated and you will find your input message to that channel.
Once you have selected your channel, you will be redirected to page of HTTP URL. URL will be used for posting data in that channel.
Sending Message:- Send a HTTPS POST using given webhook URL with header Content-type: application/json and payload as shown below. If you want to send bold payload then place your text in between ā*ā and for new line use ā\nā. After sending this HTTPS request You will get back your payload in correspondence channel.
POST https://hooks.slack.com/services/T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Content-type: application/json
“text”: “This is *Bold*.\nThis is new line.”
By leveraging Slack incoming webhooks, organizations can create virtual collaboration space for projects and departments quickly. The ease of integrating with other applications is an added advantage for as teams can access the resources from a single-window operation. AIMDek has deployed Slack at multiple client locations and has received a wonderful response.
For more details on Slack as a collaboration platform, please reach out to sales@aimdek.com