‘Being Connected’ perfectly captures how it feels to have the world at your fingertips, it has the ability to get whatever you want, whenever you want and wherever you want.
The art of connectivity has given a new meaning to the world of customer relationships and how your organization’s database operates. With the rise of social media and worldwide web, the database has not taken a back seat but it has become the voice of the company.
Where did it all start?
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems have been housed on a company’s own platform previous to Salesforce. Can you imagine the time and cost of having your own CRM systems for companies? Okay, setting it up took months or even years, and the price shot up to millions of dollars. They became extremely difficult to use even after setting up. What is a feasible solution to this? I’m sure you know it–developing and providing an inexpensive CRM system online as a product. That was Salesforce’s main idea. Started as a company called Software as a Service (SaaS), Salesforce has become the world’s fifth-largest software company.
What is Customer Relationship Management
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is the method of using the software, technology and collects the analyzed customer data and then, later on, use it to create a better customer experience. CRM combines data and action and builds a strong relationship with customers which ultimately enhances business performance.
Let us help you make the most out of your CRM implementations by empowering you with a customer-centric business. Learn more here for our CRM solutions. Let’s find out how salesforce integration can enhance your business productivity through customer relationship management technology. But, before that dive a little deeper in the understanding of what is salesforce?
What made an instant success on Salesforce?
It was Cloud Computing, the answer to this is really easy. At a fraction of the cost, Salesforce was not just about a better product. It was about removing the long process of deployment by transferring everything to the internet.
What is Salesforce?
Salesforce is a solution for customer relationship management that bridges the gap between businesses and customers. It is an integrated CRM system that offers a single, unified view of each customer to all of the departments — including advertising, sales, company, and service.
Why Salesforce?
The relationships you cultivate with your client base will determine the level of success of your company. And, as with any important relationship, your success level will heavily depend on how well you know each other. Business integrates salesforce for enhancing their relationships with companies. A CRM system helps companies stay connected with consumers, streamline procedures, and improve productivity. At a basic level, CRM helps businesses identify customer needs and information and encourages customer growth and retention.
The more you know about your clients, the more you can give them the kind of positive experience that pays off. We need to recognize, log, and report everything they do, and every contact they have with the organization. Thanks to CRM, allowing you to store a comprehensive list of customers and any important information about them. They will have the same data available instantly. This will result in less wasted time for clients and employees. Let’s try to dig a little more into the advantages of salesforce integration.
Salesforce Benefits for CRM
- Easy to Use: Salesforce integration is as simple as the way you surf the net. You can sign in from anywhere, collaborate with your coworkers, access and review customer data whenever and wherever you like.
- Easy to Customize: whether adding modules or fields, creating sales processes or changing workflows, customization is a click away.
- Managing Territories: A CRM like Salesforce can help you track and manage virtually anything you can think, rather than using old-school spreadsheets. It saves your time, energy, and pressures that surround the leadership of a small or large sales team.
- MultiTenant Platform: All salesforce users share the same infrastructure of the software. This helps all users on the network to download seamlessly and instantly while keeping their data secure. This means that as a user you are getting instant, seamless updates on your apps.
- Customer-Centric: Consumer data, transactions, messages, and help desk requests are tracked with CRM software systems. You should use all of this information while speaking to a client so that a chat with a customer can go smoother (and pick up where you left off last). With all the data in the same location, employees of the organization may rely on the client instead of trying to recall the details.
- The APPExchange: it’s fair to say that in recent years smartphones have burst across the public consciousness in a big way. Nowadays, the first thing people do when they want to accomplish something digitally is to check and see if “there is an app for that”. This easy-to-access, download and install app marketplace provides users with even more resources, options, and expanded features.
- Tracking Competitors & Handling Opportunities: In- today’s competitive marketplace, any chance that arrives being handled effectively and care is crucial for a company that wants to thrive. You must also keep track of what the opponents do or do or do not do.
- Forecasting: A strong CRM program allows you to watch exactly what is happening from a business point of view, but also to reliably predict your business ‘ growth and decline. The Salesforce CRM can do a lot of things like; Calculation based forecasting using all your sales team’s information, the segregation of booked and recovering revenue, and opportunities for new product ventures to win back the old sales.
Recently, Gartner predicted that by 2020 an estimate of 81% of companies expects to base their market strategy on the basis of customer experience. CRM will help you stay ahead of your rivals.
Wrapping Up
Connectivity and different means of communication access has opened doors of new possibilities to seamless and hurdle free management. AIMDek’s salesforce consulting services will aid your company with several features like how to do salesforce integration, implementation, migration along with support. In order to know more you may reach out to us on sales@aimdek.com